1. Step ups: Use a step about 6-7” in height (can be a bottom step, small step stool, curb) *Provide child with appropriate hand support (hold 1 or 2 hands, hold wall or rail that is near).
Forward: Have child face step and place 1 foot on the step. Have child step up with right foot in sets of 10 counts (can do 1-2 sets of 10 count). Repeat on left
Side: Repeat above facing to the side and stepping up and down to the side
Back: Face away from step. Hold 1-2 of your child hands.
2. Lunges on floor: (You can make a cross on the floor with tape or chalk if outside) *Provide child with appropriate hand support (hold 1 or both hands) *Have child stand on the center point of the cross
Forward: Have child lunge for with the right foot forward on the center line. Child should bend both knees when lunging forward. Repeat 10 times with right and left foot. Can do 1-3 sets
Repeat to the side
Repeat to the back
*For Exercises 1 and 2 see attached pictures
3. Toe Raises:
Stand at edge of counter, in front of a stable chair, or hold both your child’s hands for balance
Child will not wear any braces for this activity
Have child stand with both feet together
Child will raise onto tiptoes and lower back to flat feet slowly
Repeat 10 times, 1-3 sets
4. Sit to stand from a chair or low step stool Child will sit at edge of chair with feet flat on the floor
Child will use a stable surface in front of them for balance (can be a stable furniture, parent, or counter)
Child will stand up pushing through legs as much as possible
Child will stand fully straight up (bottom and knees flat)
Repeat 10-15 times, 1-3 sets
5. Squat to stand to floor (keep heels flat if able)
Place objects on the floor to have child squat down and pick up.
Child can hold stable surface with 1 hand while they bend to pick things up.
Repeat 10-15 times, 1-3 sets
6. Leg raises: Lie on back. Bend 1 knee and keep opposite knee straight
Lift the straight leg as high as the bent knee
Keeping knee straight, lower leg slowly to the floor
Repeat 10 times on right and left, for 1-3 sets
7. Terminal knee Extension: Stand at stable surface for balance (See attached picture sheet)
Bend the right knee keeping foot flat on floor.
Bend and straighten the knee 10 times slowly
Repeat on left
Repeat 1-3 sets of 10 each leg
8. Functional Locomotion (movement activities) * Child can put hands on hips or hold both hands of parent.
Side stepping: Child can side step at least 10 feet to the right and 10 feet to left
Backwards walking: walk backwards at least 10 feet at a time.
Marching: Sing songs etc, make it fun
Jumping: Jump in place or forward, back, side
Toe walking: have child reach overhead with both arms and walk on tip toes
Heel walking: Have child lift toes off floor and take steps on heels of feet.
Toe Tapping: Have child sit in a chair and keep feet flat on floor. Tap just the toes and up and down while keeping heel pressed into the floor. They can tap quickly or do with their favorite music. Repeat 20-50 toes taps with each foot.
Wall squats: have child lean with back to wall and squat down and stand up. Keep knees and feet pointed forward. Repeat 10 times, 1-3 sets (See attached picture sheet)